Monday, November 30, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

digital art video

Digital Artist assignment.

1. There are many talens that can be and be rquired to be a digital artist.
You would need to be creatve and imaginative to create something in the first place.
You would need to be able to understand how to use photoshop and make things happen out of it.
Also you should be able to use a computer to make digital art.In addition digital artst mst have passion
in what they are doing and they must have th talent to make things appear real even thought they
may not look like it.

2.Photoshop tools used in the video..
-Selection tool...selects images in the place you want to work in, it can help you work in that selected
area only.
-Move tool...used to move the layers or images in photoshop around.
-Clone stamp...helps overlap or cover the area you want to cover with anothr area you cloned
using the clone stamp tool (hold alt to copy the area)

3.10 jobs in the video...
-Actors... people payed to work in the film to play the charactrs they are suppose to play.
-Film editors.. they are the people who work during post production of a film or video to help put
shots and scenes together, they can also create an illusion withn the videos or films themselves.
-Producers... they make sure everything is put together, I.E they hire the people needed to make the things
happen and they make the payrolls and make sure everything is okay for the director to come on.
-Directors... they tell what the actors to do, how the view of the picture is looked at and how the audience will see it.
-Stunt artist...they replace the original actors to do the dangerous jobs or actons. They are also
very athletic, and tought, they should also be smart enough to know what they are doing.
-Music artist-they are the people who make the song or put the song into somethng to make it better.
I.E. in the video, the music artist they used was by Carolina Liar "Show Me What I’m Looking For”.
-Sound artist- they make sure to that the vision of sound in the directors had goes well, they also make sure
the voicing and music in videos goes right.
-Cameraman/woman... they film the events to make a video using a camera.
-MarketingCo-ordinators... they help promote the buisnesses like advertising in a video and
to help launch new products out onto the audience.
-Designers... they help create the designs or images in something(websites,films,videos, etc.)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009