Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to use photoshop 4

1.Spacebar,handtool, slider tool.
2.turns on the ruler guide.This is useful to cut the pictues.
3.White background with a black.
4. The selections help make the other tools work better, and you get to select an area.
5.Ctrl+d helps you unselect the the selections you use.
6.Hold shift than click again.
7.Hold the alt button.
8.select the image and right click and click on invert.
9.You click on the image, then drag it.
10.It is used to undo images or tools.
11. Press Shift+f5.
12. A stroke is the outline or border of the selected image.
13.First duplicate the image, then use the selection to use the gaussian blur to fill the other image.
14.Press Ctrl+e to merge layers.
15.1 disadvantage is that when you merge the layers, you lose the original image when merging.
16. Click on the "T" button and then click anywhere on the image.
17. Prss the ctrl+ + or -.